Barry Selman started painting almost 40 years ago. Barry does not have a formal art education and therefore considers himself self-taught: he took only one watercolor class in the 1970s. But when he retired from the oil fields in 2016, he really started to concentrate on his art. Retirement gave him an opportunity to take classes from the top three water colorists in the US: Mel Slabin, Tony Van Hasslet, and Tony Couch.
As a watercolorist, Barry developed his own style of the years, painting mostly Texas and Southwest landscapes. He has also recently started painting abstracts.
Barry says, "Most of my painting ideas come from glimpses of an old building, a barn falling down, or a windmill turning with just a gentle breath of air. Most people pass by these scenes and never really look, but when I look, I see amazing shapes, beautiful colors, and wonderful textures; at that moment, a painting is born. One thing I have learned is that you do not have to travel to the far corners of the globe to find beauty and inspiration. You will discover scenes worthy of painting anywhere you go, very often not far from home." Barry believes that even if one doesn't choose to become a professional artist, creating art can play a significant and rewarding role throughout life.
Barry has been Lake Granbury Art Association’s Artist of the Month, and has taught many watercolor classes around Texas.