Sharon Markwardt is a fourth generation Texan and a life-long artist with an Art degree and a Biology minor. The colorful style for which she is known emerged in the last decade or so, which she laughingly credits her horse for, since her unique style emerged after a fall. With the courage to get back in the saddle, she eventually learned the value of calm assertiveness. A new boldness entered her art, and she moved from watercolor to oils. Her color perception altered, as did her subject matter: stronger, brighter, more Western. Sharon enjoys pushing her colors and designs while retaining realism and attention to detail. She lives on small acreage in a suburb near Ft. Worth, and has a second studio in Santa Fe, NM.
To Sharon, objects like cowboy boots represent boldness and self-sufficiency, an independence from the need for the approval of others. The stark, minimalist BACKGROUNDs she favors refer to the unknowns and dangers that constitute life, through which we must boldly stride. Her color usage causes the same image to appear differently when viewed from afar.
Sharon believes good art will have an emotional impact or resonance with the viewer. She look for the beauty in each of her subjects, and strives to leave viewers in an upbeat mood, ready to face the challenges of their day.
Sharon is a national award-winning artist as seen in Southwest Art & Art of the West magazines. She is a member of several prestigious art groups including "Women Artists of the West" & "Oil Painters of America". Her work hangs in Italy & Africa, as well across the US. She has won numerous awards including two top awards at “A New Look at the West” National invitational show at the Pearce Museum, “Juror’s Choice Award” at the Women Artists of the West National juried show, four “Best of Shows,” two “Winsor & Newton Awards," lots of First Place honors in Works on Paper, Works on Canvas, and even Sculpture.